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The Progression Spectrum

The Progression Spectrum has been co-constructed by TLC with practitioners utilising a range of research evidence and guidance from Curriculum for Wales documentation. It has been tested for reliability and validity by practitioners using a range of learner experiences and different types of evidence. 

The spectrum provides a generic framework through which progression in the Principles of Progression in Curriculum for Wales can be viewed. It has been developed to support practitioners to celebrate successful moments in learning journeys and to consider next steps for effective learning within curriculum plans. 
Within Tyfu, practitioners (and parents/carers if required) are able to quickly upload evidence of learner success in a 
variety of forms for future consideration. 

The captured evidence can be easily assessed against the spectrum of progression and Tyfu then generates a list 
of possible next steps for practitioners to consider for future curriculum plans. At any point an overview of each learner, group of learners or class can be generated to 
review ongoing progress.
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